I have a theory about rust prevention which is you should drive as much as possible, car even in wet weather. This is based on the fact the sills act as part of the car's ventilation system and when the car is moving it has air flowing through it, so if you drive the car regularly then the moving air will assist in drying out any moisture. Even a car that is left in a garage can develop moisture in the sills through condensation so if you don't drive the car regularly then this moisture never gets a chance to dry out. There is a guy at work with an S2 cab. He drives it day in, day out, all weathers and all seasons - and he's not exactly a fan of the bucket, sponge and car shampoo, I don't think i've ever seen it clean. On the face of it it's one of the tattiest examples of an S2 cab i've ever seen, but it has no signs of rust on the bottom of his wings and sills at all. I'm convinced this is because he drives it so much it keeps his knooks and crannies dry.