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17in rims won't quite fit...


New member
Okay, so I bought some 17in Cup 2 replicas, but the rears don't quite fit. With the existing spacer, they rub slightly on the outside edge. Without the spacer, they rub on the inside. These are:

225/45/17 "" ET52
255/40/17 "" ET47

My mate says I should keep the spacers and try a "lip roll", although another suggestion from elsewhere was raising the rears slightly with new springs or ARBs - which doesn't sound like a very good idea at all.

You need to do the maths to compare your existing wheel width and it's offset (ET) and compare to the new wheel. From what you describe it sounds like a smaller spacer will do the trick but without the actual numbers it's impossible to make a suggestion.


IMO sorting the rubbing on the outside is the way to go -- lip rolling mightn not work as most of the arch edge is double skinned.

What is it actually rubbing on? 2 things usually get in the way, assuming your car is not lowered too much 1) an inward pointing fold of metal where the wheelarch meets the PU -- needs to be cut or ground off or 2) a nut, bolt & clip just forward of the wheel which holds the top part of the cill PU on -- usually just flattening it is enough, or using silicone to stick the trim on -- then said items can be removed when it has gone off.

paul f
I cant understand why they would rub on the inside with the spacers removed,as the Porsche original wheels have a et of 55 which is narower than your reps..???
They will rub if you have a 6mm spacer fitted ,[unless you have over 2deg of negative camber] but not without.,...?????
Why not buy a pair of thinner spacers? Enough to clear the inside but not enough to catch the arch! [;)]

However the off set you quote for the rears (ET47) is the same as the ones I've fitted to my 944S2 (Cup 3's) and they fit fine with no spacers.

Good luck

I found the reason they didn't fit. My local garage kindly agreed to fit them for me (for free), but they didn't actually remove the existing spacer to do so. I think there was a miscommunication between us somewhere. Now they have, the wheels fit perfectly, and look awesome.

Thanks for the advice everyone. Saved me from doing something stupid!
So Slippers.
You already had a set of spacers fitted to your car.????

What width spacers do you have.??? And are they now spare.???
I will check and let you know. Going to give the 17in rims a few weeks to make doubly sure I like the ride. Then the spacers may indeed be going spare.

So Slippers.
You already had a set of spacers fitted to your car.????

What width spacers do you have.??? And are they now spare.???

All those wheels of yours Dave - you're bound to need some spacers. [:)]
Actually its masquerading as a Club Sport...If fact the "enhancements" ive made , make it better than a Club Sport....[:D][;)][:D][;)]

A LOT.. Way too much to list on here.....[;)][:D][;)][:D]

...a new cigarette lighter, mats, front pads, oil change, tyre valve caps, air freshener.....see, wasn't too hard....oh and some silly side graphics....who'd have those [;)]

...i went that little further and painted my calipers also - they had to match my graphics!

Sly as ever hey Dave
You got all my "mods"...!!!!!!!!!!! In fact ive missed a few... namely the airfreshner + tyre valve caps.. Not to mention the furry dice....[8|][8|][;)][:D][:D]
968uk... Whats that.?????

But a general gathering/meet of 968 owners is always welcomed....[:D][:D][:D][:D]

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