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2.4T to S


New member
Hello all,

I'm looking into a rebuild on a 2.4T engine, also keen to up output to match that of the S.

Can anyone recommend somewhere that will do a great job, and not charge the earth.

I'm happy to stay on carbs, unless an injection system can be found at the right price.


To upgrade a 130 hp t motor to 190 hp requires a lot of work. The factory changed the rods, barrels, pistons, head ports sizes, cams and injection system. The easiset way to up you hp is to up the cc. You will need to change the barrels and pistons anyway, so why not go to 2.5 or 2.65 L? Fit a set of decent "S" or GE60 cams, a set of PMO carbs and twin spark it and you will have way over 200 hp for under £10K
Hey Nick

Thanks for that, its a tricky decision to make as I don't know the engine's history, I'm thinking

of just fitting some tensioners and trying it.

How about if I was to supply a long block for a rebuild, any idea's.


Impossible to estimate until the motor is completely stripped, but budget for a full set of bearings, gasket set, rings, chains, ramps, valve job, plugs, dizzy cap etc. To rebuild just the bottom end, say £500?
Hey Nick

Well thats the other end of the scale I guess, how about changing pistons and cams whilst its

A lot of people just take out the tired old T motor and stick in a 3.0 SC motor. It's a cheap (£2 - £3K) and easy route to 200 hp.
Thanks Nick,

I'm going to keep looking at the option's. I do want to try to keep the car as original as I can,
even though the number don't match.

If anyone has any E or S engine componants out there please give me a shout.


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