Well guys and gals, it's time to be thinking about possible events for 2011. After the BBQ non-starter this year, I would like some feedback on what we should do instead.
This is your Register and I will happily organise events alone or in conjunction with others if we have sufficient interest, but your Register NEEDS YOU! to provide some input as to what we do.
If there's anything specific you feel might make a good day out, either car or non-car related, please post your comments on this topic, or PM me if you'd rather make your views private. I will respect confidentiality.
I guess a lot of people will have already been to the Porsche Experience at Silverstone, but for those who haven't, please let me know if this is something you'd be interested in.
Other ideas I've considered:
A visit to Brooklands - perhaps combined with Mercedes Benz World?
Anyone interested in visiting the RAF Museum at Hendon? Duxford? or both?
This is your Register and I will happily organise events alone or in conjunction with others if we have sufficient interest, but your Register NEEDS YOU! to provide some input as to what we do.
If there's anything specific you feel might make a good day out, either car or non-car related, please post your comments on this topic, or PM me if you'd rather make your views private. I will respect confidentiality.
I guess a lot of people will have already been to the Porsche Experience at Silverstone, but for those who haven't, please let me know if this is something you'd be interested in.
Other ideas I've considered:
A visit to Brooklands - perhaps combined with Mercedes Benz World?
Anyone interested in visiting the RAF Museum at Hendon? Duxford? or both?