Good turn out at Dakota last night with the usual suspects plus a few that I have not met before. It's my first time at a Dakota and I was impressed by the "urban chic décor"[
], apparently the owner is business partner with Coulthard and is part owner of Columbus Hotel in Monaco?. Anyway, car park had some impressive cars on show from 2 996 GT3RS's(Gordon's grand-kids must have re-furbed his alloys as the blue paint looked lets just say, "Different")my 996C4S, 994,968CS,2 993 TTs and a stunning Speed Yellow 996 Turbo.
No Ferraris appeared partly due to Scott(Lauris) not making it,Greig not fancying the weather in his F360 and the F355s battery is apparently flat?(I wonder why[
]) so there were a few "2nd" cars on show and I guess a minority of Porsche/Performance car owners tuck there cars up in a warm garage over the winter months lets just say due to various reasons.
So next to the chat "" Gordon and Greg(993TT) and the rest of the Track guys main talking point was the track days, getting everything organized and planned. Listening to Gordons stories and knowledge of visiting Spa and the Nurburgring (Petrol head Mecca)really does make it sound like a tempting option but due to a "Moany Wife" and a busy year with family weddings/holidays I think I will only make the odd track day this year BUT will defo try and do more next year with the track guys as it sounds like an experience that every real petrol head has to do at least once in there life's.
Greig and Brians son(apologies as I cant remember your name) gave me great advice on how not to give my local OPC £1600 to get my brake pads & disks done and Brian explained how he once bought 2 new cars in a week?(He truly is a Car-nut) And................Drum Roll............ Kim CONFIRMED that she will be looking into becoming the next RO and evn hinted at a few ideas for the year from a BBQ to a an East/West Coast run.
All in all, good night and I hope Gordon settled that drinks bill!
No Ferraris appeared partly due to Scott(Lauris) not making it,Greig not fancying the weather in his F360 and the F355s battery is apparently flat?(I wonder why[
So next to the chat "" Gordon and Greg(993TT) and the rest of the Track guys main talking point was the track days, getting everything organized and planned. Listening to Gordons stories and knowledge of visiting Spa and the Nurburgring (Petrol head Mecca)really does make it sound like a tempting option but due to a "Moany Wife" and a busy year with family weddings/holidays I think I will only make the odd track day this year BUT will defo try and do more next year with the track guys as it sounds like an experience that every real petrol head has to do at least once in there life's.
Greig and Brians son(apologies as I cant remember your name) gave me great advice on how not to give my local OPC £1600 to get my brake pads & disks done and Brian explained how he once bought 2 new cars in a week?(He truly is a Car-nut) And................Drum Roll............ Kim CONFIRMED that she will be looking into becoming the next RO and evn hinted at a few ideas for the year from a BBQ to a an East/West Coast run.
All in all, good night and I hope Gordon settled that drinks bill!