Hi Guy's, once again a little help is required[]
I am in the middle of servicing my 1977 911sc which was produced in December that year, on purchasing the car I was told that it was one of the first sc models and that it is actualy 78 spec[8|]
Is this true or should I be useing data sheets for the 77 model, the reason I ask is I noticed the plug gap size is different along with a couple of other items, any help would be much appreciated as the forcast is looking good for the weekend and I feel a spin coming on
Cheers Baz.
I am in the middle of servicing my 1977 911sc which was produced in December that year, on purchasing the car I was told that it was one of the first sc models and that it is actualy 78 spec[8|]
Is this true or should I be useing data sheets for the 77 model, the reason I ask is I noticed the plug gap size is different along with a couple of other items, any help would be much appreciated as the forcast is looking good for the weekend and I feel a spin coming on
Cheers Baz.