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924 Advice ?


New member
Hi guys

Well looking for some valuable advice on parts for my 1978 924, advice from here worked very well last time, thanks .........
I fancy replacing the air intake & pipe. I replaced the pipe with a temp one a few years ago but would like to have the correct fitting and while I was doing that I cracked the plastic air intake, it's fine but it annoys me to look at it! (slight crack to right in picture)

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? Will I be able to get these new/replacement??

The plastic hose can be purchased from your local OPC or I get mine from Demon Tweeks, the plastic intake is prone to cracking, you just need to stay on the lookout for a good one if they are no longer stocked.
In the meantime try gluing the crack with Gorilla glue-it's like Superglue but fills cracks as it foams as it drys.
You can then clean off excess adhesive.
It's worked well so far on a large crack in the plastic engine cover on my BMW E61 530D & saved me shelling out £50
scm924s said:
The plastic hose can be purchased from your local OPC or I get mine from Demon Tweeks, the plastic intake is prone to cracking, you just need to stay on the lookout for a good one if they are no longer stocked.

Cheers. Yes if the fitting is not correct the belt may be prone to touch the hose. I will check so.
vitesse said:
In the meantime try gluing the crack with Gorilla glue-it's like Superglue but fills cracks as it foams as it drys.
You can then clean off excess adhesive.
It's worked well so far on a large crack in the plastic engine cover on my BMW E61 530D & saved me shelling out £50

Thank you, sounds impressive stuff.
Well I did kind of glue the crack before with a 2pack adhesive that I had at the time but I just want a new one, lazy maybe but....
I can understand "lazy"-some things are just not worth the trouble but a)I like a challenge-b) I don't like scrapping things where a reasonable repair does the job & it isn't safety critical & c) where it saves good money.

For example -have one of those rather attractive large "Boule " blue planters which cost £30 -somehow it got a large chunk broken out of 1 side about 8" on the rim x 5"x6" approx triangular piece.
Decided to tackle it yesterday-got all the old root ball/soil out after a struggle-cleaned the joint faces with 3M pad & water -applied Gorilla glue both sets of edges,whilst still wet(like Loctite Superglue damp assists curing) & plipped broken piece back in place -slapped it around a bit to get best alignement at the joints -by evening set so cleaned off excessive foamed glue & when I lifted the pot by the broken piece,no complaints at all.
vitesse said:
I can understand "lazy"-some things are just not worth the trouble but a)I like a challenge-b) I don't like scrapping things where a reasonable repair does the job & it isn't safety critical & c) where it saves good money.

For example -have one of those rather attractive large "Boule " blue planters which cost £30 -somehow it got a large chunk broken out of 1 side about 8" on the rim x 5"x6" approx triangular piece.
Decided to tackle it yesterday-got all the old root ball/soil out after a struggle-cleaned the joint faces with 3M pad & water -applied Gorilla glue both sets of edges,whilst still wet(like Loctite Superglue damp assists curing) & plipped broken piece back in place -slapped it around a bit to get best alignement at the joints -by evening set so cleaned off excessive foamed glue & when I lifted the pot by the broken piece,no complaints at all.

Determination, well done.
PaulHere said:
That's a very tidy engine bay indeed [:)]

Thank you, well it was polished up for concourse entry now and again. It is an exceptionally tidy 78 model alright, interior is like new with perfect seats & dash although the body paintwork does need work, faded, bubbles and chips here and there, undecided weather I respray or not or let the next owner do that. To get a spray job done to perfection is the key so who & what kind of price?


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