I think the whole world had them. (Other U.S. emmisions changes robbed the 3.3 of 35bhp, making it produce only 265bhp - the same as the previous, R.o.W, 'Decklid', 3.0-litre 930!) But, as I say, there were only a few left-over bits of the system on my car (which I tidied up).
Pretty soon after buying the car, I spent £2000-odd quid getting a standard, stainless-steel system (Heat-Ex's and Rearbox) fitted. This involved a lot of blow-torching of rusty, 25-year-old studs and nuts (so do bear this in mind). Inevitably, some of the studs are going to shear and snap. [
A friend bought a twin-pipe, GHL System. For the rear box, he had to cut a hole in the right-hand side of the rear valence.. Yes, it means the turbo spools up quicker and, yes, it probably makes a few more horsepower (25ish-bhp), but it's too damn loud! (He always adds an expletive when describing it.) And there's resonance inside the cabin, too, and he has to drive around with the window open, so he says. [
The other two well-known, American, 'aftermarket' exhaust systems are B&B ("Billy Boat") and Fabspeed..
But personally, if I were doing it again, I'd go for the modified headers/heat-ex's but I'd keep the standard-style rearbox. (The 930 is loud and angry-sounding enough as it is.) Big-bore exhausts just smack too much of tuned-up Novas, Puntos, Scoobs, Cossies, and Renault 5 Turbos.. And the Porsche has more class! [
If you want more horsepower, the first thing would be the 1-bar wastegate spring, for about £45, and this gives an additional 20-odd bhp. But, inevitably, whilst you're at it, the wastegate will probably need reconditioning (an additional £120 or so).
The next (relatively) simple thing is to go for a K27-7200 turbocharger, an additional 35bhp and far quicker (1,000+rpm) spooling, for about £1,000.
You could also go for a Kokeln intercooler (about £1000).
If you want to do other, bigger mod's, you'll have to do other changes to accomodate them.. (A K27/29 hybrid turbo, for example, could give you around 500bhp but requires fuel-enrichment or a fuel-head modification.)