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991 GTS Wanted


PCGB Member
Just started to think about replacing my 991 C4 for a GTS so thought I'd see if anyone 1.) Has any thoughts & 2.) Actually has one for sale.

I've been looking in various places & not yet fixed on colour spec etc that I'm after as I think it depends on the actual car, so open to suggestions.
I have a buyer on my GTS which I'm very reluctantly selling - he is financing the purchase and he thinks he should be given the green light on Friday- if that doesn't transpire and you want a stunning guards red GTS we should perhaps have a converstation. I can't praise these cars enough - awesome things and you'll not be disappointed if you do go ahead with your acquisition!
I just sold my GTS back to the dealer, (I'm working overseas at the moment). Firstly, they are the very best 991 (this was my third) IMO you can buy, secondly I think ,(and it is only a guess) that the 991.2 GTS is just around the corner. That could mean the prices "might" soften from the current craziness. As an aside, I sold my car for what I paid for it in Jan....

Good luck!

I've had a C4S, 997 GTS and the 991 GTS which is the best by some way in my mind, truly stunning car you will not be disappointed
Thanks for the positive replies about the GTS.

Boulton - Let me know if your sale falls through.
in a recent edition of (I think) Total 911 they had a piece on cars for 100k and the Gen 1 GTS featured - I think values will hold on these cars personally with the turbo charging of the next generation - time will tell. PJ63 - I will of course let you know either way
I have a 2015 4GTS which I will be selling or part exchanging beginning of February, new 991.2 4S on order.

Cymro - Looks great in white, tell me more with spec, mileage etc. Feel free to contact me direct.
PJ63 - as promised mine has sadly gone - though agree Cymro's looks very nice in white - good luck with your search
Cymo - Yes I did get your private message & I replied. I've been away so apologise for not replying to this post sooner. Let me know if you didn't get my reply.
Not sure what's happening as I sent an email to on the 29th & that got rejected. Anyway sorry neither message has got through, so hopefully you'll see this post. I basically said that your car looks & sounds great, the only thing was I was looking for one with lower mileage as my existing 2015 C4 only has 5500 miles on it & didn't want to change for a higher mileage car.
Thanks again for getting back to me & hope you enjoy new car.

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