So, I've made the move from my Y reg 986 S, which I've had from new, to an '02 996 C4S. Whilst I never took an sh*t from anyone about the Boxster not being a "real" Porsche (the handling was just perfect), I have to say the 996 is something else . I LOVE the way it looks, the power is fantastic, and it has PSE! If you have a 4S without PSE - go out and get it fitted - you'll find yourself out searching for tunnels to drive though.
The car was a little "tired" when I got it - it's got 50K miles on the clock and although Camtune had cleaned it up pretty well, it needed a little extra. So, after much reading on this and other forums, I turned to Paul from Miracledetail. He did what perhaps only he can do and bought it back into its prime. Outside, it looks great. Inside, the difference is huge. I think Paul got a little carried away (I'm not sure that the brake calipers needed waxing with Zymol Royale, which is £5,600 a pot) but the whole thing looks great. Take a look at it on Paul's site - By the way, PCGB members get a 15% discount with Paul.
The car was a little "tired" when I got it - it's got 50K miles on the clock and although Camtune had cleaned it up pretty well, it needed a little extra. So, after much reading on this and other forums, I turned to Paul from Miracledetail. He did what perhaps only he can do and bought it back into its prime. Outside, it looks great. Inside, the difference is huge. I think Paul got a little carried away (I'm not sure that the brake calipers needed waxing with Zymol Royale, which is £5,600 a pot) but the whole thing looks great. Take a look at it on Paul's site - By the way, PCGB members get a 15% discount with Paul.