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996 Register Invite to AeroExpo 30 May 14


PCGB Member
Hi Everyone

Below please see below invite from Johnny McGirl for next Saturday. Short notice but none the less looks a promising event. As you can see only twelve 911 cars required so a quick response could get you to the event. Please respond to John McGirl.

John Dunn
RO and Committee


Date: Sun, 25 May 2014 14:46:46 +0100
Subject: Re: Fwd: Re 997 Register Invitation to AeroExpo 2014 at Sywell Aerodrome, Northam...

Dear fellow members a personal and region/register invitation to Aero expo courtesy of RO Roger Theaker

News and invitation to Aero-expo event sat 30th May from noon to either 5pm or evening entertainment also-open to all 911 members -please note local Region organisers and Register secretaries copied in please promote to your members they can kindly respond to us with names and car type 9911) -details below and web link advice-looks a great show for PCGB members.

A big thank you to Roger for inviting us to what looks a great show, apologies from Roger that it is short notice, we can still promote to other members in a 911 who may be interested and 996 Register assistant Andy Willis is happy for us to meet at 11am at his home 5 minutes from Sywell aerodrome whereby we can arrive together as a group, Roger also kindly offers a evening bash inclusive for those who can stay on, sounds great, Mike Runnalls is excited as he holds a surprise for all and retires the same weekend, we all wish mike well and look forward to the surprise.
Andy Willis address 53 Falcutt way, Northampton NN2 8 PH -11am please-Andy contact H01604 844786 M 07775 138527 if lost/need help John/denise 2 mobiles 07773 299654 07837 536078
Please see web link aero-expo the event looks fabulous.
Again please promote to anyone who may show interest Roger states we can bring 10/20 cars with dedicated parking and free of charge entry.

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