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996 turbo - replacing auto dimming wing mirror (glass)


PCGB Member
Hey folks,

First post in the 996 section [:D] - seem to have some "worm" like stuff thats spreading on my RH wing mirror, under the laminate or below surface so not cleanable. It's the auto dim variety. Having a rake around porscheparts / type911 shop I find part number 99673103602 but not sure this is correct. Can someone confirm the right replacement part ?

I take it (assuming I find right part) can straight replace the glass, if so any guides or advice to doing so ?


the dimming wing mirors are basically two pieces of glass the back a typical reflective surface ( obviously aspherical)then a clear piece of glass in front then an oil like liquid between the two the unit is then sealed and there are two small wires leading into the edge of the unit if you take it to pieces they look like heating elements.the mirrors typically fail because the seal fails and either water in my case which then goes milky white on contact with the oil so you get your worm or air gets in.I did try to effect a repair not successful the oil used is quite specific and obvious the amount involved is specific as parallax is minimised and the image looks clear.

for genuine ones prepare your self for a shock i bought mine in jan 2010 with club discount for £228.00

the unit is sold as one it basically clips in and out obviously small wires as advice if it isnt too bad leave it you wont be able to repair it properly believe me I had 228 reasons to try that was coming from VAG wing mirror parts
The part number of the RHD, RHS, aspheric auto-dim and heated mirror glass is 996.731.036.04 and they are a whopping £253.27 +VAT.
Gosh, I have had a 996 Turbo for 2 years and didn't know I had "auto dimming wing mirrors"....

I need to drive it more in the dark...



Thanks for the advice on here :) Had the glass ordered and replaced at OPC Edinburgh before the EuroHoon we did. £265 fitted inc vat and discount.

Not bad considering !

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