Please could someone help confirm the service intervals for a 997.1 turbo. I looked at a car to buy today and one service was 2 yrs apart and 25000 miles. I thought the service was every 2 yrs or 20000 miles., but a quick flick through the service book seemed to say every 30000miles which would be ok, the salesman said it was every 30000 and would be fine, but too me it does not sound right???
Anyone confirm?
Please could someone help confirm the service intervals for a 997.1 turbo. I looked at a car to buy today and one service was 2 yrs apart and 25000 miles. I thought the service was every 2 yrs or 20000 miles., but a quick flick through the service book seemed to say every 30000miles which would be ok, the salesman said it was every 30000 and would be fine, but too me it does not sound right???
Anyone confirm?