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997 clutch judder


New member
Last week I drove my new C2S back from Stuttgart and noticed the clutch juddering badly when pulling off in 1st and reverse. The odometer read 4 miles when I first noticed it!

I duly delivered the car to the OPC on returning to Sussex and they performed large amounts of work replacing clutch bits etc. Then they delivered it back to my house supposedly fixed.

However, there is still a slight judder when releasing the clutch on low revs, such as reversing out of my garage. The OPC is now telling me that that is normal but no other car I've ever had has done that.

Has anyone else experienced the same problem? Is this common to all 997s or is the OPC leading me up the garden path?

I do not experience any form of clutch judder no matter how low the revs are to try and provoke it. Take it back to the OPC and while your there test drive their demonstator to compare.
thanks Geoff

It is with them now but they are saying it's normal. However all their demo cars are tiptronic so they can't demonstrate it!!

Had my C2S for a little over 6 weeks and nearly 3000 miles. Never experienced any judder in any gear. My only complaints are: an occassional clonk from the rear (suspension?) and a slightly notchy gear change, 1st to 2nd, which disappears after everything is warmed up. Neither of these cause me any great anxiety but I will ask my OPC to check things over next time I have a need to be there.

If you are unhappy then get your OPC to take another look, the money we pay for these cars we have a right to expect perfection. Let us know how you get on.
thanks Snarf

they collected it this morning and after the two replies I've received to my post i'm not going to accept it back until they fix it. I'll let you know when it's resolved.

Any more replies would be great to bolster my case


No way should you have clutch judder. I have done 12000 miles in 3.8s and had a problem of clutch squeek when depressing the pedal which was the subject of modification ie official recall on early 05 models. Owned 3 911's and 2 Boxter's since 1991 and must say Porsche clutch's always robust. Gallardo owners change clutch at 5/7000 miles at £5k a throw.

You may want to serve , or threat to , a rejection notice as vehicle supplied unfit for purpose. Write a letter detailing the facts rjecting the vehicle and request money back or replacement new car. Take letter to dealership with keys and demand to see principle( better to make appointment) and leave keys and vehicle. I recently did this on a new CLK ( I am not a hairdresser ) 7 SPEED automatic which occasionally juddered in first and reverse. I recieved compensation but importantly, after dealer failed to solve, Mecedes sent over two technicians who changed gearbox, torque converter, software and control panel. The car was transformed and made me realise how you can be fobbed of if you fall over and accept the bull.

Hope this helps

thanks very much for your reply. The car is currently with the dealer and I will follow your advice if the problem's not resolved 100%

Had my 997S for over a year and use it every day - never a problem with the clutch, always smooth and progressive - never juddery!
Methinks technician speak with forked tongue - tell them to cut the bull and do the decent thing and replace the entire clutch assembly!
Good luck
April 2005 C2S, 4600 miles and never had any clutch judder. However, don't use mine everyday and had not used it for about 3 weeks when I was about 5 mins into a journey setting off from lights when the cabin was filled with a pungent clutch like burning smell. Called opc some days later and they wanted to check it out. Whilst it was in I reported "squeaky" front suspension. After they investigated they could find nothing wrong with the clutch but kept the car for 2 days whilst they replaced front suspension "mounts/bushes/bearings" anyone else had front suspension issues?
Not so far. My car is also April 2005 but is on sport suspension, which has some differences apart from obvious deletion of PASM.

April 2005 C2S, 4600 miles and never had any clutch judder. However, don't use mine everyday and had not used it for about 3 weeks when I was about 5 mins into a journey setting off from lights when the cabin was filled with a pungent clutch like burning smell. Called opc some days later and they wanted to check it out. Whilst it was in I reported "squeaky" front suspension. After they investigated they could find nothing wrong with the clutch but kept the car for 2 days whilst they replaced front suspension "mounts/bushes/bearings" anyone else had front suspension issues?

Had a similar problem with a 'squeak' over road humps as the front dipped down on the far side of a hump. Fornt suspension bushes replaced as a known fix, but didn't imporve. However, had it's first service a few weeks ago and the problem disappeared without being mentioned to the service department. Great!
But it's returned in the last fortnight.

So sorry, can't help with a definitive solution.



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