For all those cabriolet owners whose cars are perhaps three years plus I strongly recommend that you check the roof drain outlets which are located behind the rear plastic wheel arch linings. For if these get slightly blocked then, when you wash your car or are in any sort of heavy rain, there is a strong probability that the small internal resevoir will overflow.
The resevoir is located behind the rear side panel and is ideally positioned so that the water overflows down into the rear seat and the rear floor well. This area is linked to the front floor well via the well below the front seat and trust me it is no coincidence that these areas are called wells for they can hold a lot of water!
Over a period of time you will be blissfully unaware that this is happening until it is too late. Then one day, whilst its raining, your car alarm will go crazy, your car will not start and it will have to be dragged of to the repairer. They will eventually find the that EC unit, which does what it says on the tin, has blown up. Why? beacuse its located in the well under the pasenger seat and as we know water and electrics do not mix.
The cost of the whole operation was horrendous but the repairer didn't know how the water had got in. It took me the best part of a day to strip out the rear panel and find the problem and fifteen minutes to cure it, which is the time it takes to remove the rear wheel and lining and replace them.
So when you have your annual service get them to carry out this little job - it will be cheap in the long run.
PS. Boxsters have the same problem I understand.
Happy Motoring.
The resevoir is located behind the rear side panel and is ideally positioned so that the water overflows down into the rear seat and the rear floor well. This area is linked to the front floor well via the well below the front seat and trust me it is no coincidence that these areas are called wells for they can hold a lot of water!
Over a period of time you will be blissfully unaware that this is happening until it is too late. Then one day, whilst its raining, your car alarm will go crazy, your car will not start and it will have to be dragged of to the repairer. They will eventually find the that EC unit, which does what it says on the tin, has blown up. Why? beacuse its located in the well under the pasenger seat and as we know water and electrics do not mix.
The cost of the whole operation was horrendous but the repairer didn't know how the water had got in. It took me the best part of a day to strip out the rear panel and find the problem and fifteen minutes to cure it, which is the time it takes to remove the rear wheel and lining and replace them.
So when you have your annual service get them to carry out this little job - it will be cheap in the long run.
PS. Boxsters have the same problem I understand.
Happy Motoring.