I've got a couple of problems with the 1999 Carrera 4 I've recently purchased.
On the digital speed display in the centre of the console some spurious marks have just appeared in the past week - they're coloured like the digits but look like random scribble. Sometimes these change after the ignition has been switched off for a while. I wonder if anyone else has seen anything like this?
The other problem is some scratches that have appeared on the left side squab of the back of the passenger seat low down. I'm pretty sure they weren't there when I bought the car, and I suspect they've been made by studs on jeans or a belt buckle or something, when my partner was getting out of the car. Can anyone suggest the best way to repair or treat the leather to conceal these marks as much as possible?
Many thanks
On the digital speed display in the centre of the console some spurious marks have just appeared in the past week - they're coloured like the digits but look like random scribble. Sometimes these change after the ignition has been switched off for a while. I wonder if anyone else has seen anything like this?
The other problem is some scratches that have appeared on the left side squab of the back of the passenger seat low down. I'm pretty sure they weren't there when I bought the car, and I suspect they've been made by studs on jeans or a belt buckle or something, when my partner was getting out of the car. Can anyone suggest the best way to repair or treat the leather to conceal these marks as much as possible?
Many thanks