New member
now I've finished playing for a while, I've got a few bits sitting in the garage. If you need anything, drop me an e-mail. I'll probably put them up on ebay next week-ish too.....
rear "leather" seat set with blind (not original, one of these roll-up types)
rear carpet, black. not perfect underlay, but it'll do the job!
original fuel rail. not cracked at all!
vapour system valve
space saver spare. unused. (let me have a thnik about this one, and a research if I actually need it for the MOT!!!)
carpet pieces that go on the rear bulkhead/under the seats. (for anyone non-CS-ing a 968!?
probably a few other odds-and sods, but mail me!
rear "leather" seat set with blind (not original, one of these roll-up types)
rear carpet, black. not perfect underlay, but it'll do the job!
original fuel rail. not cracked at all!
vapour system valve
space saver spare. unused. (let me have a thnik about this one, and a research if I actually need it for the MOT!!!)
carpet pieces that go on the rear bulkhead/under the seats. (for anyone non-CS-ing a 968!?
probably a few other odds-and sods, but mail me!