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A long slog, but I'm here, Porsche Owner once again after 23 years


New member
TL;DR - Man buys 991, Man is happy.

Hello All,

This is my formal introduction post, like Jay911's post, where I have a bit of a story to tell.

Firstly, meet "Barney", my new buddy. 911.1 C2S with Sports Design Kit, Chrono, PDK, PSE etc and those glorious Platinum Satin wheels :). Nicely "loaded" without being daft.



Anyway, how did i get to own such a lovely car? Get yourself a beverage of your choice and read on if you wish...

So, like many here I'm sure, my first car was a Mini. I'm an "engineer by trade" and my early years were spent at sea with various parts of said Mini in the workshop for tuning and tinkering. Long story short, the mini ended up as a full competition spec rally mini which I sold and bought a 911 with! Alas I have no photo's of either, but my first 911 was a 2.7, with a somewhat "modified" engine (218bhp) and body (Fully "lightweighted" with widebody in GRP and very little in the way of driver comfort!).
As we all know, life has a way of changing! I had the 911 for only 2 years before external factors forced me to sell it. "That's all I have to say about that."
Sadly the car was completely destroyed in a track incident soon after I sold it, but as I'd added a safety cage, the driver walked away with only minor injuries.

Cue 15 or so years of dull cars, interjected with a few "interesting" things that turned out to be disasters, a few "flips" of cars found at actions and a bare metal restoration of an MGB.
During this time I'd been slogging my way through the IT industry, earning my stripes as it were but the switch to the contracting life opened new and exiting opportunities car wise.
I bought an 3.0 Diesel A6 Quattro *groan*. Actually, it was very nice, but was it dull? Yes.
So then I bought an S6 with a V10 and learned the lesson that Audi service costs can be a bit "surprising"
Then came something "completely different". A Mitsubishi Evo 10, FQ-360. This was a car with incredible performance and staggering engineering, wrapped in a Mitsubishi Lancer, which is.. awful. I loved it though.

I went back to Audi then, with another Diesel. This time an A8 with a 4.2l V8, quite a machine. This Audi had a "service plan" so I then discovered Audi's crippling depreciation. I thought I'd get the "top of the range", that'll hold its value a bit better, so I traded that in for this S8.


The S8 is probably one of the most surprising car on the road today. I borrowed a chums Racelogic data-logger do-dah and recored a 0-62 time of 3.54seconds and my wife discovered on an autobahn that the 155mph limiter is a myth! If you want to get from Berlin to Munich in 30 minutes and be able to listen to Chopin on the way, this is probably the car for you... but there's a catch. The S8 depreciates faster than 2nd hand fish and chips, and it's deliberate.
Side Note on this topic.
I traded the S8 to buy my 911. I was offered £32k by Audi (which my Porsche Centre matched) but I was also offered a £20k "deposit contribution" on a new S8 Plus/RS6 Plus plus a £11k discount... By fluke I sat next to an Audi Dealer Principle on the Eurostar while this was going on and he admitted that Audi UK deliberately "depreciate" (ie offer low trade in values) on the 6,7 and 8 models to leverage VAG finance. He advised me to buy a Porsche!

Buying my 991.
I work in the UK and in Belgium now, so a lot of my "legwork" was done online. I'm seriously impressed with the Porsche Sales team no matter who they are "owned by", even Porsche Belgium put me in a 991.2 even though they knew I wasn't going to buy from them! I drove Caymans, 997's, a 993 and various 991's and to be honest the 991.1 just seemed to suit me. Weirdly though, I didn't drive my car before I bought it (i was stuck in Belgium!) and I hadn't driven the 3.8 with a Sports Exhaust that worked as the 997 GTS I drove had a broken one. Needless to say, it was a lovely surprise!

So here I am, a 911 owner again, no problems to report. It's taken some graft and I've had some lessons along the way. Must go now, i need to get some sleep as I'm off to make a racket in the Ardennes in the morning :D.

Welcome back to 911's & with what looks like a great car, especially with the duck tail. Enjoy & happy driving.
Great to hear your story jimmy, Your car looks beautiful! I fall in love with mine more and more by the day, the engineering of these cars just blows me away and I've just got the base 911, very much looking forward to working my way up the ranks.

Enjoy ??

Loving the duck tail and clear lenses on the back (presume that's an option?)
Any recommended roads in Belgium - recently had the joy of being diverted through central Antwerp - and that I do not recommend!
Yeah, clear lenses are a factory and a dealer fit option (but sit down for the upgrade price!!)

Roads in Belgium.. Well, we have a great infrastructure for getting places as we're full of motorways but driving roads are fairly hard to find in most of the country. However we do have one saving grace... The Ardennes.
Most roads in this region are awesome, asphalt quality may be a bit shoddy in places, but the geography is great for sweeping bends and challenging transitions. One of my favourite runs is the N948 from Leffe (where the beer comes from) to Spontin. Nice uphill "charge" :)

When I find more, I'll let you know and maybe set up the GoPro...

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