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OK my power windows have been next on my hit list for the car. My driver's side has always been slow and sounds like a food mixer and the passenger stopped altogether. I stripped out the passenger, opened up the motor and lubed it up as well as the regulator, put it back in and it worked a dream. No such luck with the driver's side. Obviously had a much harsher life. Did some searching and came up with well let's say he is a man that does window regualtors. I guess you could say he is a window reglator *** Too good to be true I thought at just £87 with motor but seemed legit and came with a year's guarantee. It arrived today anyway and first surprise it was a Lucas part. Second surprise it fitted and worked like a dream. As good as new. Only slight snag was the new one came with oblong plastic sliders to fit into the top rails. These proved almost impossible to fit or at least both together. I subsitituted them for the black wheels that came off the original regulator, spliced in the cable to the old loom and Robert was your Father's brother.