Right well so far today i have checked the ABS ecu connection and found it to be in good condition and dry.Also started the car up and checked for when ABS light comes on,i can confirm as i suspected that it comes on at start up and remains on,suggesting that the ecu has indeed gone,sounds simple? my parts chap has quoted me ÂŁ35 incl post for an ECU,so just go buy?
No it's not that simple[

] Now this is all thinking aloud and i do have a habbit of getting ahead of myself when it comes to thinking,but just as a fried ECU can make the ABS light stay on surely,a stuck relay can also cause this as Chris has said,i have kinda been here before. My former car of choice/play thing was old Rover SD1 V8s,so no such thing as ABS there however plenty of relays and the odd ECU. The car kept on braking down(well it was a Rover) would run fine for 100 miles,then just stop running,i was convinced ir was something to do with either main relay or pump relay,and indeed after fiddling about with them and changing to spares the car would fire up again,then die again a few miles down the road(i kid you not,happened 7 times from Luton to Surrey 1 day) but this turned out to be the ecu flooding the engine at a certain temp,the lesson i learnt there was a,i don't know what i'm doing and b,relays tend to be very reliable and rarely go south,old ECUs not so,dry joints etc.
Later on my friend and I will take the car out for a spin to skid test the car to see if the ABS is working,although if not working it could still be 1 of the 2!!
Now elsewhere on this forum i read about a chap who put his battery leads on the wrong way round,I will admit to doing this too,makes me sound a numpty i know but this is my first Porsche and i just wasn't expecting the positive lead to be black,i mean why would it? Now on his thread he is having the same ABS light problem,chaps have said he would have fried the ABS ECU,but he claims that the ABS is working fine so i just don't know where that leaves us.
This forum seems to have alot of members,surely someone on here has tech info and testing info for such things? Meanwhile Chris i have no such worries when it comes to replacing the relay with a direct connection to see if the light goes of,a relay is only a switch,isn't it?
Cheers Gav.