I'm trying to track down the cause of the ABS warning light being lit. I'm focussing on one wheel at the moment - the one I've recently adjusted the bearings on. Logically a disturbed cable...
1. The cables look fine. No sign of damage or disturbance. Fiddling made no difference, including disconnecting the cable where it connects to the strut -looks nice and clean inside the connector.
2. With a multimeter across the ABS sensor terminals for that wheel the resistance is 970ohms when not moving, and goes up and down a little when you rotate the wheel, but not much - perhaps 100ohms. This does not sound like a great deal to me - what have others measured?
3. I've disconnected the battery, and reconnected. The car is on a stand and has not moved. On restarting the car after reconnecting, the ABS warning light is immediately on - does that argue against a sensor problem?
I don't ever recall being ever to noticably get the ABS to do anything, despite some very hard braking and the occasional lock. So I don't think I'm any worse off.. it's just the first time I've had a warning light!
87 220T
1. The cables look fine. No sign of damage or disturbance. Fiddling made no difference, including disconnecting the cable where it connects to the strut -looks nice and clean inside the connector.
2. With a multimeter across the ABS sensor terminals for that wheel the resistance is 970ohms when not moving, and goes up and down a little when you rotate the wheel, but not much - perhaps 100ohms. This does not sound like a great deal to me - what have others measured?
3. I've disconnected the battery, and reconnected. The car is on a stand and has not moved. On restarting the car after reconnecting, the ABS warning light is immediately on - does that argue against a sensor problem?
I don't ever recall being ever to noticably get the ABS to do anything, despite some very hard braking and the occasional lock. So I don't think I'm any worse off.. it's just the first time I've had a warning light!
87 220T