New member
On Tuesday I took my 1999 MY 996 (Full Porsche Service History) into a garage (who shall remain nameless at this point) to have the back 'mufflers' replaced. The car has been running superbly for the last 10 months since I bought it.
I went to pick it up on Tuesday pm and was told that the handbrake wasn't holding and would need investigation. I told them to do it and I would pick the car up Wednesday...
Picked the car up on Wednesday and, travelling back through Newcastle noticed steam (or what I thought might be smoke) coming from the back of the car. I pulled over and rang the garage... "it's just wax burning off the exhaust boxes... no problem. It'll stop soon." They also mentioned that it had done that when they had started the car that morning.
After another couple of miles there was no decrease in the amount of what was pretty clear was steam. I pulled over and the car was covered in steam.
Opened the rear lid and (what I take to be) the expansion tank at the rear left was soaked with water and was dripping onto the exhaust. Both my son and I watched it dripping.
Let it cool a little and then got it home. Called the garage and they asked that I get it back to them via AA flatbed truck. Did that (although I felt it was their responsibility as this fault had vlearly developed when it was with them).
So now they've got my car and they tell me the cooling fan on one side itns't working and that they are changing "the sensor". However they also added that it "may be a head gasket" or... "the engine may have flipped a liner"(?)
Bearing in mind that the car has been no problem at all in the months I've owned it, I feel that someone isn't being completely honest with me. How could it be the head gasket or a 'flipped liner' when the car was running well - even when I took it back (apart from the leak)?
I would really appreciate any advice or thoughts on this one.