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Advise on moving my car that has been laid up on my drive for 12 months.


New member
Hi all,

I hope you are having a good start to 2013. Just need some advise really... Due to work commitments (not being at home), my Carrera 4 (3.4) has been sitting on the drive (covered) for the last 12 months, battery removed and as not been run at all. It had been recently serviced before it has been rested, but I was wondering if I should take any precautions before starting her up for the first time.

Any advice greatly apprecriated.

If it was me I would just crank it over and let it tick over for a minute or two. You will get a real clatter as it starts up until the oil pressurises the hydraulic tappets. This should stop in 2-3 seconds. Keep an eye on the oil pressure and make sure it is up at 4+ bar within a few seconds.
I'd let it idle warm and then take it for a long drive.

I think some people disconnect the fuel pump to let the oil get around before starting, I've never done that but I've never parked it for more than 4 months.

Pulling the fuel pump fuse (C4) might be a possibility, but might also throw a check engine light. This should reset itself though.

I don't think there would be much difference between 4 months and 12 months. The oil will have drained down into the sump either way.

I leave my 3.2 for 3-4 months in the winter, and haven't had a problem. Just take it steady at first, and you should be fine.
Cheers Guys... I'll just idle her for a while, I expect the tappy noise at start until oil up there.

Chris - Not been in the UK.. Had her for 10 years and there was no way she was being sold, or the keys being given to someone else for that matter! lol

ORIGINAL: 924nutter

Further to recommendations, I would have a close look at the disc brake faces, especially the inboard faces and give them a good going over with wire wool, as despite what you may think, brake pads are completly useles for removing a years worth of rust as the rust is harder than the pad. Mind you, if the vehicle has been covered then this might not be as big a problem, but I certainly suffered this on my 944, which used to sit on the drive covered over. My local MOT tester and Porsche Specialist indie told me that many a 911 comes in with gleaming outer disc faces only to fail becuase the inboard faces are very badly corroded.
ORIGINAL: Richard Hamilton

Pulling the fuel pump fuse (C4) might be a possibility, but might also throw a check engine light. This should reset itself though.

I don't think there would be much difference between 4 months and 12 months. The oil will have drained down into the sump either way.

I leave my 3.2 for 3-4 months in the winter, and haven't had a problem. Just take it steady at first, and you should be fine.
Cranking the car with fuse C4 removed doesn't light the CEL. I know as I tend to remove it if I leave the car anywhere as another form of immobilising it but sometimes forget to put it back in and try to start the car. The penny drops after 3-4 seconds of cranking. When you replace it it will take another 4-5 seconds of cranking for the car to fire.

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