I have split rim wheels on the car and they are in need of a major refurb approx cost £600 I was thinking that I would like to replace them with 18 carreras 5 spoke I had them on my 550 Box dead easy to clean and look great .
Jasmine do a after market set for £700 and will take the old ones in px for £300 is there any issues with this type of wheel .
Is there anyone out there know of some one selling a set F 71/2 J os 50 R 10J os 65 could even take 8 J 52 on the front I have been told . I have been offered some but not sure about the style as one is the same as I have got and wary they might go the same way
Jasmine do a after market set for £700 and will take the old ones in px for £300 is there any issues with this type of wheel .
Is there anyone out there know of some one selling a set F 71/2 J os 50 R 10J os 65 could even take 8 J 52 on the front I have been told . I have been offered some but not sure about the style as one is the same as I have got and wary they might go the same way