Since I picked my car up its had an OMP aftermarket steering wheel fitted, which is a lovely item to use (although the alcantara could now do with replacement) but has one fundamental flaw in that any speed between 40 - 120mph is a bit of guesswork due to the wheel covering the speedo. Apparently that isn't a viable excuse in a court of law so something had to be done!
I asked on the (predominantly US) 944 Turbo Facebook group about steering wheel diameters thinking that my wheel must be smaller than standard and was helpfully shown a diagram of the stock wheel vs an aftermarket one. I didn't know, as it's a long time since I've used/seen one, that the stock wheel is eccentric and the hub bolts in below the actual centre of the wheel - this gives more leg clearance and crucially lets you see the gauges when driving.
I didn't want to change back to a stock wheel and was pointed in the direction of an eccentric adaptor from a company called JWest Engineering in the states. 2 weeks later and it had arrived:
Well made and good quality with clear instructions too, installation was a doddle as it was marked T for top and the 3 shorter bolts had a dab of red paint on them to correspond to the correct holes also marked with a dab of red paint. Even my mum could've fitted this!
And that was that, installed in about 15mins - better leg clearance now and the wheel is slightly nearer me too which makes the driving position even better. Oh, and most importantly- I can see how fast I'm going now!
It wasn't the cheapest thing around at £52 delivered but a good chunk of that was the shipping and it does seem a unique solution to a specific problem.
I asked on the (predominantly US) 944 Turbo Facebook group about steering wheel diameters thinking that my wheel must be smaller than standard and was helpfully shown a diagram of the stock wheel vs an aftermarket one. I didn't know, as it's a long time since I've used/seen one, that the stock wheel is eccentric and the hub bolts in below the actual centre of the wheel - this gives more leg clearance and crucially lets you see the gauges when driving.
I didn't want to change back to a stock wheel and was pointed in the direction of an eccentric adaptor from a company called JWest Engineering in the states. 2 weeks later and it had arrived:
Well made and good quality with clear instructions too, installation was a doddle as it was marked T for top and the 3 shorter bolts had a dab of red paint on them to correspond to the correct holes also marked with a dab of red paint. Even my mum could've fitted this!
And that was that, installed in about 15mins - better leg clearance now and the wheel is slightly nearer me too which makes the driving position even better. Oh, and most importantly- I can see how fast I'm going now!
It wasn't the cheapest thing around at £52 delivered but a good chunk of that was the shipping and it does seem a unique solution to a specific problem.