Suspect I have a bearing going in my air con pump.
After I've been driving for half an hour or so I get a noise from the rear - best described as a loud electric motor (a drone like an underground train - but not quite as loud!). Can only hear it when I slow down to less than 40mph. It's engine speed related. Switch off the air con and noise immediately stops. Giving the pump a rest for a few minutes seems to fix it, but half an hour later it's back again.
Have done a search but have not found any previous threads on this, but I have a vague memory of it coming up before.
Anyone seen similar?
After I've been driving for half an hour or so I get a noise from the rear - best described as a loud electric motor (a drone like an underground train - but not quite as loud!). Can only hear it when I slow down to less than 40mph. It's engine speed related. Switch off the air con and noise immediately stops. Giving the pump a rest for a few minutes seems to fix it, but half an hour later it's back again.
Have done a search but have not found any previous threads on this, but I have a vague memory of it coming up before.
Anyone seen similar?