Just curious about member views regarding how often re-gassing of the air-con is needed.
My car only does about 5k a year, and I last had it done just before the summer of '04, and last year planned to do it but just didn't get round to it. Suprisingly, the temperature seemed fine anyway, and I was impressed with how good it still was.
Now I am in the same dilemma, weather is starting to warm up (hopefully), and so should I get it done or leave it until I feel its not cold enough?
Is there anything I should look out for with an air-con specialist, like making sure they vacuum first etc.. Had a leak check done in '04 with blue coloured dye and it was OK.
My car only does about 5k a year, and I last had it done just before the summer of '04, and last year planned to do it but just didn't get round to it. Suprisingly, the temperature seemed fine anyway, and I was impressed with how good it still was.
Now I am in the same dilemma, weather is starting to warm up (hopefully), and so should I get it done or leave it until I feel its not cold enough?
Is there anything I should look out for with an air-con specialist, like making sure they vacuum first etc.. Had a leak check done in '04 with blue coloured dye and it was OK.