Here's one to ponder. After a week of not using my turbo, I found the battery dead. OK so not so unusual in itself; the remote fob would not open the door, so I used the key to get in, popped the hood and hooked up my Ctek. Almost immediately the alarm started making a pathetic chirping noise which I managed to stop using the fob after 10 seconds or so.
OK, so the question. Could the alarm sounder internal backup battery have died (hence the alarm not sounding until I provided some power to the main battery)? If it is dead and hence not holding charge could this actually contribute to making the main battery go flat (as it continues to try to 'top up' the alarm sounder battery)?
Incidentally, how would I tell if the earth strap has failed (suggestion from another 'flat battery'post)?
OK, so the question. Could the alarm sounder internal backup battery have died (hence the alarm not sounding until I provided some power to the main battery)? If it is dead and hence not holding charge could this actually contribute to making the main battery go flat (as it continues to try to 'top up' the alarm sounder battery)?
Incidentally, how would I tell if the earth strap has failed (suggestion from another 'flat battery'post)?