My neighbour's 993 has been sitting idle for about 4 weeks, so perhaps unsurprisingly, the battery was flat. However, when unlocking the car, the alarm started, and could not be stopped even when locking / unlocking the car.
Once we connected my battery charger, the alarm did stop.
After getting the battery mostly, but not completely charged, we disconnected the charger, and tried to start the car. It did turn over but did not fire and you could hear the battery flattening quickly during this process.
The nett effect....the alarm kicked off again !
Anyway, car back on charge, and will remain so all night now (to stop the alarm apart from anythinng else !).
My question is - would the flat battery have any link to the alarm being triggered, or is this purely coincidental ?
Once we connected my battery charger, the alarm did stop.
After getting the battery mostly, but not completely charged, we disconnected the charger, and tried to start the car. It did turn over but did not fire and you could hear the battery flattening quickly during this process.
The nett effect....the alarm kicked off again !
Anyway, car back on charge, and will remain so all night now (to stop the alarm apart from anythinng else !).
My question is - would the flat battery have any link to the alarm being triggered, or is this purely coincidental ?