I had a Parrot Bluetooth kit installed today, integrated via the radio. Initially all of the electronics seemed fine, but when I locked the car, the alarm sounded once, warning that one of the alarm contact points was breached.
All of the normal contact points were fine, including the centre armrest. It is almost certainly connected with the installation of this kit, and I am aware that the radio has some form of link to the alarm system.
Does anyone know what the issue might be ? The engineer who installed the kit is coming back out tomorrow, but I am not convinced that they know what the issue is.....so any help or advice would be appreciated.
All of the normal contact points were fine, including the centre armrest. It is almost certainly connected with the installation of this kit, and I am aware that the radio has some form of link to the alarm system.
Does anyone know what the issue might be ? The engineer who installed the kit is coming back out tomorrow, but I am not convinced that they know what the issue is.....so any help or advice would be appreciated.