Evening all . I was asked to remove an old ( but working) pa1000 alarm system from a 96 Carrera 4 coupe a week of two back. Out of interest I assembled the system on the bench to see how much current it draws compared with a completely standard car ,which is what I returned the cars spec to ( found an archaic motarola tracker hidden in the vehicle as well!) Results: standard car locked with ez900 Porsche factory alarm system fitted and working 15 milliamps ..
Pa1000 armed on the bench with all modules connected, ultrasonics/siren etc. 35 milliamps.. so add that figure to the cars standard current draw and you can see why a uk car with the extra thatcham approved alarm system runs its battery down so quick when compared with a euro spec car like my yellow lhd coupe, which could stand still for longer without needing a jump pack to start. I expect my car to start after three weeks idle outside, but I don't think many UK owners with a pa1000 would put money on theirs starting!
As a point of reference a 2004/2008 model cayenne with a massive Battery has a maximum draw of 35 milliamps when locked , and these cars have 20 plus control units with a permanent memory feed to draw the battery down!
I have not seen any official figures from Hamilton and Palmer ( the makers of the porsche branded pa range of alarms and immobilisers) about the current consumption of their products but i'll see if I can find anything out.
Pa1000 armed on the bench with all modules connected, ultrasonics/siren etc. 35 milliamps.. so add that figure to the cars standard current draw and you can see why a uk car with the extra thatcham approved alarm system runs its battery down so quick when compared with a euro spec car like my yellow lhd coupe, which could stand still for longer without needing a jump pack to start. I expect my car to start after three weeks idle outside, but I don't think many UK owners with a pa1000 would put money on theirs starting!
As a point of reference a 2004/2008 model cayenne with a massive Battery has a maximum draw of 35 milliamps when locked , and these cars have 20 plus control units with a permanent memory feed to draw the battery down!
I have not seen any official figures from Hamilton and Palmer ( the makers of the porsche branded pa range of alarms and immobilisers) about the current consumption of their products but i'll see if I can find anything out.