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Alloygator rim protectors


New member
i was at the PCGB BBQ at the weekend and I saw a couple of cars with rather fetching coloured thin rims and realized these were likely to be Alloygators. Has anybody bought a set and fitted them themselves or had them fitted? Any thoughts welcomed as a set fitted is about the same price as one repair after the dreaded kerbing!.
I would not fit these on any car, let alone a Porsche.

Very difficult to fit correctly, ugly, especially at the joint, will move away from rim, dirt gets behind them and can damage the wheels, can lead to tyre pressure losses, if they come loose they will damage your car as they unravel, poor customer support when you do have problems......

I did find something they fitted quite well ..................... in my dustbin.

Have to say a friend of mine fitted them to his M3. Front stayed on ok but the rears let go (must have been on track day as it was going quite quickly) and caused a bit of body damage. May be ok at normal road speeds

Thanks guys! Thought as much as I'd seen no comments on The Forum! I wonder if the owner of the 718 Lava Boxster also present at the BBQ is aware!

As GeoffB has said. Don't bother. They cause more damage than they prevent. I know people who have had em fitted to alloys and they have come off and damaged the bodywork. Not what you really want !

Novel idea but if you're prone to hitting kerbs then these too would look ugly when damaged. Much easier to just avoid taking risks with kerbs. There's no rewards for getting the car as close to the kerb as possible when parking. I aim for a ridiculous margin from the kerb. Mounting kerbs is another one to avoid.

And after reading that these fall off and looking on Google images at the abuse they get it's not surprising. To fit them and continue rubbing kerbs sounds like the wrong solution. Not saying people rub kerbs on purpose, but surprised when I see wheels that are kerbed all round, which doesn't happen on one go at it.


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