As mentioned in Augusts Porsche Post a proposed idea for a trip next spring/summer is to visit Alnwick gardens and castle, this was discussed during Augusts meeting and the idea of organising a short weekend away was mentioned. This would involve visiting the gardens and castle on a Saturday then staying over night in a hotel in or around the Kelso area then the Sunday could be spent visiting Holy island or other sights in this area of our region. In order to take this idea further I need to get an idea of the interest out there and what you the members feel would be an acceptable price for an over night stay, so don't just read this and think "that sounds good" drop me a line or email me your thoughts. As I keep saying month in month out this is your club, tell me what you want and I will do my best.
Please email Nick Stevenson
As mentioned in Augusts Porsche Post a proposed idea for a trip next spring/summer is to visit Alnwick gardens and castle, this was discussed during Augusts meeting and the idea of organising a short weekend away was mentioned. This would involve visiting the gardens and castle on a Saturday then staying over night in a hotel in or around the Kelso area then the Sunday could be spent visiting Holy island or other sights in this area of our region. In order to take this idea further I need to get an idea of the interest out there and what you the members feel would be an acceptable price for an over night stay, so don't just read this and think "that sounds good" drop me a line or email me your thoughts. As I keep saying month in month out this is your club, tell me what you want and I will do my best.
Please email Nick Stevenson