Hi all
About a month ago I thought I was going to have to replace my battery - I’d been away for a long weekend, which involved around 7 or so hours of driving. When I got back home the car wouldn’t start as the battery was dead. I assumed that as the battery was a few years old now, it needed replacing and that I hadn’t noticed until now because I always have it plugged in to a battery conditioner. So, once I had enough charge in the battery I took it to my local garage to get a new battery. They tested the battery and said that it was fine, but the alternator wasn’t delivering any charge. I briefly looked at what would be involved in replacing the alternator and decided it was in the ‘top difficult to deal with now’ category and I’d get it sorted when I have the annual service done at the beginning of December; I don’t use it much during the autumn/winter so I couldn’t see this being a problem.
Then, a couple of weeks ago I saw that the Goodwood Breakfast Club were having an 80s theme and I really fancied going to that. So, early on Sunday morning I headed off on the 2 hour drive to Goodwood, with some trepidation and an unnatural focus on my voltage needle! I said to myself if it dropped below 12 I’d turn round and head back home (as long as I wasn’t over half way there). Within 10 minutes the needle had moved from around 13 to just above the 12v marker, but then it stayed there, even though I had my lights on. I continued on my journey and as soon as I felt it was light enough to turn the headlights off I did so, despite some other drivers thinking it wasn’t light enough, but they didn’t know the emotional trauma I was suffering! For the rest of the drive down the needle hovered just above 12v, sometimes creeping up a bit, sometimes creeping down a bit, but it never dipped below 12v.
Well I made it to Goodwood, had a nose around the bounty of 80s cars on show and then started worrying about whether there was still enough juice in the battery to turn the starter motor. I needn’t have worried, it started fine, the needle was somewhere between 12v and 13v so I decided it would get me home (2 1/2 hour drive).
I did continue to suffer from voltage anxiety all the way home and had one particularly hairy moment when the needle had dropped below the 12v line and I encountered stationary traffic on the M25. I was worried that the cooling fan would kick in and suck the remaining life out of my battery, so as a precaution I turned the heaters up and sweated even more for a few minutes until the queues dissipated and I continued on my way.
In the end I got home without incident and tucked the car away in the garage and plugged the battery conditioner back in.
So now, a puzzle. I assume that the alternator isn’t completely fried, as presumably if it was I wouldn’t have got all the way to Goodwood and back. I also assume that the alternator must be working at least partially as there were times that the voltage crept back up on my journey.
Does anyone have any idea about what might be going on here and how it could be remedied?
About a month ago I thought I was going to have to replace my battery - I’d been away for a long weekend, which involved around 7 or so hours of driving. When I got back home the car wouldn’t start as the battery was dead. I assumed that as the battery was a few years old now, it needed replacing and that I hadn’t noticed until now because I always have it plugged in to a battery conditioner. So, once I had enough charge in the battery I took it to my local garage to get a new battery. They tested the battery and said that it was fine, but the alternator wasn’t delivering any charge. I briefly looked at what would be involved in replacing the alternator and decided it was in the ‘top difficult to deal with now’ category and I’d get it sorted when I have the annual service done at the beginning of December; I don’t use it much during the autumn/winter so I couldn’t see this being a problem.
Then, a couple of weeks ago I saw that the Goodwood Breakfast Club were having an 80s theme and I really fancied going to that. So, early on Sunday morning I headed off on the 2 hour drive to Goodwood, with some trepidation and an unnatural focus on my voltage needle! I said to myself if it dropped below 12 I’d turn round and head back home (as long as I wasn’t over half way there). Within 10 minutes the needle had moved from around 13 to just above the 12v marker, but then it stayed there, even though I had my lights on. I continued on my journey and as soon as I felt it was light enough to turn the headlights off I did so, despite some other drivers thinking it wasn’t light enough, but they didn’t know the emotional trauma I was suffering! For the rest of the drive down the needle hovered just above 12v, sometimes creeping up a bit, sometimes creeping down a bit, but it never dipped below 12v.
Well I made it to Goodwood, had a nose around the bounty of 80s cars on show and then started worrying about whether there was still enough juice in the battery to turn the starter motor. I needn’t have worried, it started fine, the needle was somewhere between 12v and 13v so I decided it would get me home (2 1/2 hour drive).
I did continue to suffer from voltage anxiety all the way home and had one particularly hairy moment when the needle had dropped below the 12v line and I encountered stationary traffic on the M25. I was worried that the cooling fan would kick in and suck the remaining life out of my battery, so as a precaution I turned the heaters up and sweated even more for a few minutes until the queues dissipated and I continued on my way.
In the end I got home without incident and tucked the car away in the garage and plugged the battery conditioner back in.
So now, a puzzle. I assume that the alternator isn’t completely fried, as presumably if it was I wouldn’t have got all the way to Goodwood and back. I also assume that the alternator must be working at least partially as there were times that the voltage crept back up on my journey.
Does anyone have any idea about what might be going on here and how it could be remedied?