As the weather was nice yesterday I decided to go for a drive, nipped to the local Shell garage filled her up and proceeded home to give her a clean. Got there and could smell coolant, went straight to the front had a sniff - nothing, opened up the engine cover and noticed the level had dropped slightly, looked underneath and around the centre of the car coolant was pi$$ing out!!
Obviously stopped the car and began to cry!
Only thing is last time I drove the car was to the OPC for their 111 point check, they found coolant leaking from one of the head gaskets, and fixed this - could they have disturbed something in this area?? is there anything around there which could fail??
Thanks all
Obviously stopped the car and began to cry!
Only thing is last time I drove the car was to the OPC for their 111 point check, they found coolant leaking from one of the head gaskets, and fixed this - could they have disturbed something in this area?? is there anything around there which could fail??
Thanks all