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April 21st Solihull OPC


Terry Hobson- Dealer principal at our Local Porsche centre in Solihull has invited us to join them on the evening of the 21st April.

Members should be receiving invitions direct from the OPC, if you haven't then please contact the OPC or Paul the R9 RO
It will be a chance to see the full range of Porsches cars and take passenger rides in the new Panamera.

As always refreshment are kindly laid on by Terry and his team.

You should hopefully started to receive your invites from the OPC, if not then please contact Paul or the OPC themselves..

Hi garyw and others.
Have signed up for this event. This will be my first club meet so please introduce yourselves. I'll be the one wandering around without a clue!
Nigel, I will certainly try to..
I also have a replenished stock of 997 register stickers [:)]

These events people do tend to get split up and just wander about the facility, but the region are a friendly bunch.- mostly [;)]

Guys, do try to introduce yourselves aswell..[:)]
The OPC visits can be a busy night with many people spread out around the OPC showroom and workshops.
Whilst this does give people a great chance to have a look around, it can sometimes be a little hard to find everyone [:D]

Will certainly endeavor to say hi to everyone.

Just a reminder that this takes place this evening... a good turnout is expected -especially being as the weather is most excellent [:)]

A very good turnout last night and good to see two of the board members at the meeting including the new chairman.

Paul had to leave early for a meeting, so not even I got to say hello to him.[&:]

Great to hear Terry the DP telling us about their new plans and making you feel part of the network.
I hold my hands up and say I didn't find any of the new members to speak to but the showroom does make it quite hard to find people and a little inpersonal.

Yes a good evening and I was quite surprised to see so many!
I managed to have a chat with quite a few different people but I got the impression a lot of them were not regular monthly meeting types.
One of the technicians kindly re programmed my PCM so that I can now get a bluetooth connection to my BlackBerry. I'm afraid that I've forgotten his name but many thanks to him.
Someone pointed out Paul to me just as he was driving off! and I'm sorry not to have made contact with you Gary.

ps. raising the roof on the Boxter S did seem rather a laboured process. A two-man (person) job and how wet would you get!!!!!
Nigel, sorry to of missed you but I'm pleased the visit was worthwhile and of interest..

Totally agree on the attendees, some pop out from all places [:)] having been on the circuit a while though [:(] you do get to know the majority of faces [:)]
I'll be at the next monthly meet and if the weather stays this good it may well be in the carpark for a bit of social chat (and probably tyre kicking-which isn't my thing[;)])

with regards to the Spyder roof, I was impressed that Terry the DP actually took the time to show it being done [8D]


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