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April Newsletter


PCGB. Region 9. West Midlands

Our Meetings are on the First Tuesday of the Month. At the Bear Inn, Berkswell .

As the year runs on, numbers at the Meeting are increasing again, so do come and join us.

This month, there were two extra curricula activities. And there are many more to come.

Our visit to Meguiars at Daventry, was very well attended and we all started from The Bear, led off by Paul Seagrave. What a lot of speed cameras !.

First, Stephen gave us all a talk on the history of Meguiars. Followed by a description of all their products and the manner in which they worked. See the attention in the photograph, in the packed lecture room.

We then had a demonstration of mechanical and hand polishing, by Tom and Stephen, in their specially designed detailing bay. More pictures. Adrian's 924 S was selected as the guinea pig, it was straight off the road from a week travelling to work, and not washed ! Thanks to Stephen and Tom.

The Clay Pigeon shoot was not so well attended, possibly due to the confusion with Easter. Nevertheless, we managed to complete our shooting by 1 o'clock, including a buffet. Most of us having 50 shots, all for the total sum of £28. In the afternoon all joined in with some air gun practice on the 50yd and 100yd ranges. I took one gun and Fred Millin took a 10 shot repeater with telescopic sight and also a pistol. The ladies excelling in their shooting. Thank you Dave Ryan, for letting us do this.

Shelsley Walsh

This has been moved to Bank Holiday Monday, the 5th of May. Our Parking Area will be marked by our Region banners etc. As this is a Porsche Championship Event, I have also invited the Porsche Enthusiasts Club, so we should have a good crowd. Not much time left to make up your mind to come.


At the time of writing this report, I am seriously short of bookings for this event. We will have to pay for the track this year and therefore, I have to ask for the money up front. To book, please send me your cheque for £25, made out to PCGB and endorsed on the back "Curborough". Thanks to all those who in the meantime, have responded. See last month's PP for more information.

Santa Pod.

Join us here on Sunday the 25th May, for a full day event of the European Drag Racing Championships. Said to be the largest race entry and most packed Motorsport event in Europe. Gates open 8am.

Advance entry is £27 and the Grandstand is another £8.. Therefore I recommend a total of £35 for the day, per person. Kids under 16 FREE, up to 3 per adult.

Send me a cheque now, so I can book us a group,. in advance. Make it out to "Porsche Club GB" and mark on the back, Santa Pod. See more on the Forum.


We shall be running a Region 9 Concours on Sunday the 8th June. This will be at Hillhouse Farm, Berkswell, CV7 7AZ, as last year. Let me know your interest as soon as possible please.


The Club at Snitterfield operate visitor evenings on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. I therefore suggest Thursday, in June, (Not week commencing 23rd). Cost will be £35 plus an extra flight if time allows, for around £10. Pay on the day, but I need to know positive numbers, in order to book an evening. It's up to you to let me know, and not at the last minute.

Forthcoming Meetings.


Monday 5th Shelsley Walsh.

Thursday 8th Our sprint meeting at Curborough.

Sunday 25th A visit to Santa Pod. More details on the Forum.


Prepare for our Concours. On Sunday the 8th. And then at Chatsworth on the 29th.

See above.

There is a Programme available now so ask me, if you don't have one.

Summer fun is setting to. Book the things you want to do.
John Lord

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