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are porsche centres any good?


New member
hi guys, i was just wondering if porsche service centres are any good as i really need to sort my cold start problem and engine performance out for good. all the local garages round here dont have the right knowledge or equipment to fix it, so i need somewhere where i know it can be fixed. or if you know anyone else plz let me know, oh yeah and i live in stamford in lincolnshire if it helps.
i use zentrum in nottingham, which isn't an OPC, but the guys there used to work at OPC nottingham. They are very good and will do the work at a really good price. Check out the R8 section of the forum and you'll find noting but praise.


blimey, iv just realised where it is, its only up the A1, not far away at all. do you recon they will be able to help me then? just out of interest, where are you from then m8?
Ravenshead, notts just off the A60. The 606 will take you all the way to notts but its a bit of a trek if u have to leave your car for a couple of days. they are v good though, might be worth giving them a ring to see what they can do.
cheers m8, have they got a different telephone number or anything, as the one on the site doesnt seem to work?
ok thanks guys. just to let you know i have my car booked in zentrum on the 2nd of June, sounds like they know what there doing so hopefully should all be sorted out soon.
One thing that I have been told is because Porsche Centres mainly deal with recent cars they aren't quite so hot with caring for older models and sometimes take them to nearby specialists for work - I don't know how true that is, but it's worth checking.

Not long after I bought my car (a 1983 2.0 924) in 2001 I took it HR Owen Hatfield (now Porsche Centre Hatfield) and they did a great job on it - I had a budget of £250 at the time and I basically told them to do as much as they could for the money.

Bearing in mind my car was a bit of a mess at the time mechanically and electrically - this was before I was in Porsche Club and didn't know one end of the car from the other. [;)]

They drew up a full report of what was in need of work (a lot), did as much servicing and fault finding as they could and cleaned the car inside and out - they came out overbudget by 52p [:)]

I also had the pleasure of seeing no less than three mechanics working on my car at the same time.
It looked as though they had never seen a car so in need and were gathering to help!

The difference to the car was obvious!
I think it depends on how lucky you are. Some Porsche centres have parts/service staff who are enthusiastic about the cars and (I guess they're not all paid a great deal) run 924's and 944's themselves. They know what they are talking about and are genuinely interested in helping.

If you've got one or two of those guys at your local OPC you're in luck as you'll get good help and advice as well.

[8D] Only had my 924S a few weeks, took it in to Merlin OPC, Nottingham and got a rather nasty surprise when they quoted me £400odd for a 12K service and £700odd for a 24K. What have I done ?
Love the car though, an '86 Auto with only 35K on the clock, the only thing that doesn't seem to be working at the moment is the rear wash/wipe.
Yeah Merlin don't have the best track record with people i've talked to. High prices and snobby staff seems to be the main problem. The thing that makes somewhere like Zentrum so good is that the blokes have worked for Merlin, so they know there stuff. I asked for some media on the new cayman and 911 at OPC Sheffield and they were pretty stuck-up too. I almost had to dangle my keys infront of them and wave my PCGB card around for them to start speaking to me properly. Still waiting for some thing they said they would post to me 3 weeks ago [:mad:] Ahh well such is life [8D]

with the exception of Reading OPCs just arn't interested and have no idea about servicing the older cars.
find a good specialist in your area and your save yourself ££. in your area i would recommend Mike at Zentrum..see your Porsche post for his advert.

NOTE TO SELF:stop recommending mike else he'll put his prices up ad won't have time for yourown cars[&o]

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