Hi fellow members
We have a wonderful start to 2011, our PCGB 50th anniversary year, with a return visit to AUTOFARM Porsche specialists.
Proprietor and club supporter Josh Sadler, Robin and their team will offer members to witness and enjoy a open morning, with refreshments provided to the workshops, engine rebuild (silsleeve 996/986 Boxster) room and of course view the race, rally and general Porsche sales and restoration services offered at AUTOFARM.
All members (all Regions/Registers) welcomed to join the event on Saturday 29th January at 9.30am for 10am welcome introduction.
Easy access from the A34 near the M40 intersection (Oxfordshire/Bucks border).
Porsche parking secure and the premises are well worth a visit, even if you have visited previously, we ventured AUTOFARM early 2000 to kickstart the millenium year and now a decade later a repeat vsiit to start the 50th anniversary of PCGB, even if your Porsche is in winter storage/hibernation do not worry non Porsche arrival welcomed.
The advert will appear in Porsche Post december edition but this may help you planning your diary start for 2011.
Please pre-book via email 996@porscheclubgb.com to myself Johnny McGirl for your places.
This event suits all Porsche enthusiasm from early 911, particularly 2.7 carrera RS their speciality upto 997, engine rebuild with silsleeve solution helps failed 996/Boxster porous crank and intermediate shaft failure etc..worth a look!
I will personally invite the relevant local Regions and assocaited in terested registers.
I look forward to a good 996 attendance.
Best regards..see you at NEC classic and NEC AUTOSPORT events.
Johnny McGirl
996 RS
We have a wonderful start to 2011, our PCGB 50th anniversary year, with a return visit to AUTOFARM Porsche specialists.
Proprietor and club supporter Josh Sadler, Robin and their team will offer members to witness and enjoy a open morning, with refreshments provided to the workshops, engine rebuild (silsleeve 996/986 Boxster) room and of course view the race, rally and general Porsche sales and restoration services offered at AUTOFARM.
All members (all Regions/Registers) welcomed to join the event on Saturday 29th January at 9.30am for 10am welcome introduction.
Easy access from the A34 near the M40 intersection (Oxfordshire/Bucks border).
Porsche parking secure and the premises are well worth a visit, even if you have visited previously, we ventured AUTOFARM early 2000 to kickstart the millenium year and now a decade later a repeat vsiit to start the 50th anniversary of PCGB, even if your Porsche is in winter storage/hibernation do not worry non Porsche arrival welcomed.
The advert will appear in Porsche Post december edition but this may help you planning your diary start for 2011.
Please pre-book via email 996@porscheclubgb.com to myself Johnny McGirl for your places.
This event suits all Porsche enthusiasm from early 911, particularly 2.7 carrera RS their speciality upto 997, engine rebuild with silsleeve solution helps failed 996/Boxster porous crank and intermediate shaft failure etc..worth a look!
I will personally invite the relevant local Regions and assocaited in terested registers.
I look forward to a good 996 attendance.
Best regards..see you at NEC classic and NEC AUTOSPORT events.
Johnny McGirl
996 RS