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During my weekly engine check (part of the weekly clean) I noticed the coolant had dropped below minimum on my 06 C2 52k Miles. I had not been experiencing any performance issues, nor was the oil emulsified, so I decided that a visit to my local OPC in Bournemouth was needed. Dropped it off on the Friday morning, took the offered Cayman S home. Thought I'd check last weeks lottery numbers, got my first ever winner since it all began, a whole £88! but better than nothing. 2hrs later OPC phoned to say that my drivers side bank of cylinders had a head gasket leak, but only to the outside, so the engine should be OK. How much? I enquired, a mere £2460, no worries I said, it's covered under warranty, "no sir, your warranty ran out 2 weeks ago" [
]. Why didn't you remind me? I enquired. At this point the conversation deterioted a tad. In the end I agreed that the OPC should do the work as they said they would do what they could for me. On the following Tuesday, I received a phone call, "we have good news & bad news for you sir", oh dear I thought, "the good news is there was no damage to you cylinder head or block faces and the leak did not leak inwards" oh good thought I, "the bad news is that all three cylinder bore liners are cracked," oh dash it thought I, what does this mean to me? "A new engine sir" was the calm reply. Once I picked myself up, realising I had no warranty, and nor did I have a spare £20k ish for a new engine, I just said bolt it together and I'll push it home! My man at the OPC (John Piper) said "there is some more good news dear customer", oh yea, said I, what could that be? "Porsche have agreed as a goodwill gesture to supply & install a complete new engine FOC". Once I stopped cheering and screaming I thanked John very much for his pressure onto Porsche.
I picked up the my car last Saturday and all is brilliant, except that I think my oil temp is running too high (110 - 115 deg C normal driving & upto 120 deg C when sustaining 4000rpm for a while (closed roads of course [
So for once, a little praise for the actions or Porsche and Bournemouth OPC. Thanks to John as well.
I did some google work and found hints towards some kind of bad batch of liners around the time my original engine was built, and that Porsche would do a goodwill engine swap if the liners were the issue, but this seems to apply to the enlarged Boxster engine. Thoughts?
Sorry for the long post. Paul [
I picked up the my car last Saturday and all is brilliant, except that I think my oil temp is running too high (110 - 115 deg C normal driving & upto 120 deg C when sustaining 4000rpm for a while (closed roads of course [
So for once, a little praise for the actions or Porsche and Bournemouth OPC. Thanks to John as well.
I did some google work and found hints towards some kind of bad batch of liners around the time my original engine was built, and that Porsche would do a goodwill engine swap if the liners were the issue, but this seems to apply to the enlarged Boxster engine. Thoughts?
Sorry for the long post. Paul [