Well, the winter's over and from the posts in the 997 section we're getting out and about.
I thought I'd kept on top of the charge in my battery over the snowy and icy weather when I took the 4x4 instead. However today I found out I didn't have enough power to turn the engine.
I'm giving it a trickle charge to get it going again but have the followng questions to ask the assembled throng of experts - if you'd be so kind.....
1. I always disconnect the battery when charging - is that necessary?
2. Why have Porsche painted red alignment marks on the battery connector bolts - no warranty issues I hope?
3. Whilst I have no security issues where I live I can't see a way of charging with the battery disconnected and the doors locked - am I right?
4. I clearly need a battery conditioner - sounds like the CTEK one is best - I assume that is OK for a fully connected battery and locked/alarmed doors?
5. Is it any CTEK conditioner?
Many thanks in eager anticipation.
Let's hope the roads are dry tomorrow []
I thought I'd kept on top of the charge in my battery over the snowy and icy weather when I took the 4x4 instead. However today I found out I didn't have enough power to turn the engine.
I'm giving it a trickle charge to get it going again but have the followng questions to ask the assembled throng of experts - if you'd be so kind.....
1. I always disconnect the battery when charging - is that necessary?
2. Why have Porsche painted red alignment marks on the battery connector bolts - no warranty issues I hope?
3. Whilst I have no security issues where I live I can't see a way of charging with the battery disconnected and the doors locked - am I right?
4. I clearly need a battery conditioner - sounds like the CTEK one is best - I assume that is OK for a fully connected battery and locked/alarmed doors?
5. Is it any CTEK conditioner?
Many thanks in eager anticipation.
Let's hope the roads are dry tomorrow []