My battery just died and had the AA out to jump it need to get a new one asap. Read up about them and going to go for Bosch one.
This may be silly question of the year so far but I only bought car from PC 6 months ago so I was wondering if it was covered by them. I suspect they will say it is a consumable but thought I would ask.
Also if it goes totally dead will I be able to open the bonnet to get to battery. I did read that there is an access point behind passenger wheel so should I go and get my lockable wheel nut key now as that also in bonnet. I fear if i leave it to morning I may not get it open again?
This may be silly question of the year so far but I only bought car from PC 6 months ago so I was wondering if it was covered by them. I suspect they will say it is a consumable but thought I would ask.
Also if it goes totally dead will I be able to open the bonnet to get to battery. I did read that there is an access point behind passenger wheel so should I go and get my lockable wheel nut key now as that also in bonnet. I fear if i leave it to morning I may not get it open again?