Our Targa has just ground to a halt outside our home after the above warning came up. The battery charge indicator was showing around 11 when the warning appeared and the car managed 20 miles before it stopped. Our car is a 2002 and has is driven 150 miles each week mainly on motorways.
OPC not open to Monday. Could battery die this quickly? Alternator belt driving alternator OK. Anyone had a similar experience?
How much is a new battery at an OPC.
Not a good week for our cars as my wife had a minor accident in our BMW estate and that is also out of commision.
Targa has given us 27000 trouble free miles apart from the usual minor RMS leak.
OPC not open to Monday. Could battery die this quickly? Alternator belt driving alternator OK. Anyone had a similar experience?
How much is a new battery at an OPC.
Not a good week for our cars as my wife had a minor accident in our BMW estate and that is also out of commision.
Targa has given us 27000 trouble free miles apart from the usual minor RMS leak.