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Bentley Feb Red Arrows presentation.


New member
R4 are delighted to be able to announce that there will be a presentation at the Bentley Hotel on Sunday 15 Feb by the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team (RAFAT) The Red Arrows.
I'm afraid I have used my contacts to secure this most prestigious presentation, I trust we will have good support from R4 for this event.
As usual we will have a short "Parish notices" region meeting before it kicks off and table has been booked at 1300 for those wanting lunch. It may be busy so please drop R4 a line to let us know if you will be attending and if you want to stay for lunch.

I know it is winter and all the babies are wrapped up in cotton wool, but it would be nice if we could get an assortment of Porsches parked on the back line at the Bentley for a photo opportunity.
Forgive my ignorance, but where is the Bentley Hotel? Just to see how long the journey from North Leeds would be.
Hi Graham, Bentley Hotel is at North Hykeham the south west 'corner' of Lincoln:- [link][/link] According to Google from say Moortown Google maps says 80/90 miles and just over 1.5 hours, down the A1 but the route didn't seem most direct but might be the quickest!! Hope to see you there. Rod
Excellent start to this years activities with a superb and very informative chat from JEngO and FS Eng "Red Arrows". Car park was resplendent with 15 Porsches, not bad for February. Nice to see 3 of our new members, welcome and hope we made you feel at home! Congratulations to one of our regular members who I will not name, but who won the bidding for a limited edition 50th Anniversary Red Arrows book. The £135 will be put into this years fund for the Lincolnshire Air Ambulance and well done to Mr auctioneer Cliff for generating the interest. One of the presentation team was impressed with the club and has asked for membership details, he owns a Boxster and wants to join in when he can. Could be good news for us later in the Year!

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