I replaced the bonnet seal on my SC about six months ago and in a fit of enthusiasm took the bonnet off to polish all the swirls out of it indoors, (it was cold outside at the time). When I came to refit the bonnet I payed particular attention to the fit and achieved a better fit along the panel lines than previously, however the damn bonnet wouldn't latch properly, I think the combination of the new seal making the bonnet sit higher and the refitted panel compromised the effectiveness of the lock mechanism. I cured the problem by very slightly adjusting the position of the lock plate till it latched correctly again. I just unfastened the lock plate bolts and retightened when I felt they would be in the right position and hey presto it worked again. Look at the pane lines and check that the bonnet hasn't been moved from it's previous position when fitting the seal, (it's a pain to fit with the bonnet on and all the wet glue on the seal) which on your era of car should fit much better straight from the factory than mine did, (assuming no one has shunted it).