If I remember correctly, the boot lock is triggered by making a connection to live, which starts the boot release motor turning. Once the motor is turning, the mechanism in the boot maintains the contact via a built-in sliding switch to keep itself connected to live until it has completed a full rotation - by which time it has un-latched the boot, and it then comes to a halt. The switch in the drivers footwell makes the brief connection to live to start the process, so you need some system that will briefly produce 12v, mimicing the operation of the switch.
If you take the switch in the footwell out (I think you need to pull the carpet away to do this - carefully!) you will see how it works, although I also used the wiring diagram from Rick Cannell's site to fully understand it. I'd love to tell you the colour, but I can't remember! However, it is easy to decipher from the diagrams.
I seem to recall that my alarm would only make connections to earth (i.e. ground out a trigger wire), so I had to use a relay to interface between the alarm and the switch. I recall mounting the relays (I used a couple for other things as well) in the passenger footwell on a small plinth which I made, connected the alarm control box to the relay in question and ran the control wire from the relay across behind the dash to the drivers side where it splices into the boot release switch wiring.
As with all these things, the electrics are simple. The time consuming bits are understanding the existing situation, dismantling the car to get at the relevant bits and making the end result look like something other than a terrorist attack in a spaghetti factory. (I am more than a little sad when it comes to tidy wiring!)