Right then chaps/chapesses. Just had car MOT'd. Failed and then passed on emissions after some tinkering but only just passed the rear discs. The rear discs are ' SEVERELY ' corroded and thus need replacing. Question:
1. Is this a job for a novice?
2. What sort should I be looking for considering I don't want Top of the Range?
3. Have taken wheel off to look at how it all works, managed to get pins out that were welded in but couldn't get the pads out to have a look. Following haynes guide, am I missing anything about removing the pads. Should they pull out once pins are out.
Lots of questions but any help for this NOVICE would be appreciated.
1988 2.5 lux
1. Is this a job for a novice?
2. What sort should I be looking for considering I don't want Top of the Range?
3. Have taken wheel off to look at how it all works, managed to get pins out that were welded in but couldn't get the pads out to have a look. Following haynes guide, am I missing anything about removing the pads. Should they pull out once pins are out.
Lots of questions but any help for this NOVICE would be appreciated.
1988 2.5 lux