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Brakes stuck, then lumpy


PCGB Member
My 997's been parked up for the few weeks over the holiday period, and when I went to drive it today I initially couldn't get the brakes to release.

I've seen this before after wet periods, but this was fairly severe - to the point of stalling a PDK car. With some encouragement at each wheel and another couple of gentle goes it did eventually release, but I'm now getting really lumpy noisy braking - it feels almost as if one of the disks has a lump on it or something similar. The brakes and pads were all new last year, so should be in generally good condition though they of course look rusty after the last few weeks of inaction.

Has anyone had anything similar?

Normally I'd be off for a good run to heat the brakes and wear off the rust, but they don't feel convincingly safe right now!
I'm assuming you didn't park your car up with the hand brake on???
If you did then you're a naughty boy...[:D]
Any moisture will cause the brake pads to stick to the drums. When parking mine in the garage
for any period of time I leave the hand brake off and in first gear. Obviously you need a flat area to park your car although even if it's outside and on a hill you could still always park it in gear with the wheels turned and leaning towards the curb.

I had the same problem as you with a little Renault Clio that was parked up for a couple of months with the hand brake on and it took an almighty effort to get it out of the garage.

A visual check of the wheels and drums should reveal if any brake pad material has stuck to the drums, but careful dabbing of the brakes on a hill until everything has cleared off the disks should work. As soon as they are dry and heated up they should be fine.

Good luck ....
Porschekit said:
I'm assuming you didn't park your car up with the hand brake on???
If you did then you're a naughty boy...[:D]

Haha, normally no hand brake (it's on a flat and a PDK so it's going nowhere), but I couldn't swear to it this time - the wife may have been the last to drive it and then all bets are off!

A quick look earlier showed an obvious pad-shape on the rear left disk, though I'd have said it was a clear patch rather than stuck material. Will have another inspection tomorrow and then go and see if I can clear it off. Thanks!

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