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bulb in voltmeter


New member
Paul, I think you did a piece in PP recently about laying in the footwell and changing the bulb in your voltmeter? Is that the way to do it (or do you just enjoy the contortions [;)]). I assume your one is in the 3 gauges on the centre console?

How do you actually get to the back of the gauges though? Is it obvious by 'feel' how the bulb removes because I can't picture how I'm going to get down there to see what's going on.

Thanks John for the piccy and guide, I had no idea how to get to these instruments - the bulb I changed was the temperature gauge.

So sounds like you wont need to climb into the dashboard Phil [:)]
Sorry to be a useless idiot, but how do I get to these 2 screws under the panel? Presumably I have to take the heater control panel out to be able to get to them? How does that happen? I can make out 2 pins under the return at the base of the heater control panel, but they're not easy to see and I can't make out if they're cross-head, slotted or Allen socket. Nothing seems to fit.

cheers ........ Phil
The heater panel knobs all pull off and for the sake of it you can remove that panel, taking care to look out for the lamp that illuminates the scales , on the right hand side. The two screws should have an hexagonal head, which from memory is 7mm but don't quote me, could even be as small as 5mm. When you withdraw the panel, the cigar lighter has a tendency to snag in its aperture, and note that that big fat red wire is permanantly live, so might want to disconnect the battery; and be carefull of the small cicuit board which carries the handbrake/ brake failure warning lamps. Lastly, there is a plug that you can disconnect and take the panel and wiring away and tinker in the comfort of your favourite armchair. I wish! You now officially owe me a pint at frontrunner.

The PET electronic cartalogue shows two screws right up to 1988. That's not to say that someone hasnt modified the fittings or lost the screws, and bodged it.
Blimey Nutter, is there anything you don't know??? You are a star on this forum

I'll give it a go and let you know how I get on.

I've a suspect this could turn into one of those 'nice to do' jobs that ends up with a whole load of other stuff not working by the time I've finished [:mad:][8|][:D]

cheers ............ Phil
Call me a wimp, but I had another look and still can't see how to do this without getting the heater panle off. I got as far as pulling the knobs off the heater controls but didn't trust myself not to damage someting.

See you on 1st May for a 'bulb clinic' [;)]

cheers .......... Phil
I am a purveyor of duff gen. There, I said it. It is the later type of heater controls which have the two tiny screws under the bottom surface. In fact the gauge panel has two screws at the top and is retained at the bottom by tapered lugs which clip into a slot in the supporting crossmember behind. Sorry to mislead you.

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