how many camshaft failures have you heard of...i can think of only one !
These cars are very complex - not convinced -? open the bonnet and trya nad find all the major components of the engine.
the packaging is incredible
they are complex, and as such are more prone to failure than a simpler car
I'm not talking model specific here, I'm just talking about plain ole reliability - check out the BT Ground Benign Model if you like
more bits there are, under stress, the more chance that something will go wrong.
I think the issues surrounding OPC service & customer service are more worrying
Personally, I'd try and develop a relationship with the dealership - at all levels and departments.....
I was going to fix the coolant issue with my KN - but xmas was a disaster and I never got around to it;
now, it's going in for its annual service next week at the OPC; I mentioned the coolant issues, sthe service manager checked his records and stated he's not come across that particular issue in their dealership with a turbo, only the std V8 - his opinion was that it would be something simpler - lets wait and find out !
It all comes down to your attitude to risk;
if you are adverse - get a warranty
if lightly averse - try and put some money aside
not at all - wing it ! it may not present an issue !
These cars are dropping like stones in value, especially the ones like mine, the first couple of years models
however, I still have to remind myself, what could I truly get for the money that gives me the precision (yes..), power, comfort, load handling and off road capability(yes again...) that this vehicle does ? even if I have to throw some cash at maintaining it, it really is only going to depreciate further due to mileage, its in immaculate condition, and is now 6 years old !
If I bought a new lets say 5 series tourer (which doesn't even fit all my requirements) I'd be dropping shed loads in pure depreciation year on year for the best part of five years
So I'll stick with my KN, enjoy it, and be realistic that things will go wrong, if I can fix it I will (i.e. replaced the drivers door window mech last weekend), get it serviced in network ( did I mention discount, oh maybe not...), if I can't get it fixed by the OPC, and talk to the OPC staff in general !
sorry for the rant, but I'm putting off writing a report here at work !